40th LWSG Anniversary

The June 21st/2011 meeting of the LWSG was a celebration to highlight the Guild’s 40th (Ruby) Anniversary.  This special evening, was primarily the work of the 40th Anniversary Committee, chaired by Virginia Evens, but really was supported by the enthusiasm of the entire Guild.  Over 70 people attended and signed the Guest Book.  Guests & speakers included: Rosemary Wallace – Councillor of the City of Langley, Don Shilton – Interim Manager of the Langley Arts Council, and Peter Tulumello – Cultural Services Manager – Township Langley Centennial Museum.  As well as current Guild members, many previous “Alumni” members and Past Presidents attended.  It was a wonderful time for reminiscing and enjoying the special birthday cake and other refreshments or being a lucky recipient of one of the many door prizes.  The displays included photo albums from the Guild’s Archives, a story board featuring pictures and articles from the 4 decades of the Guild’s history, as well as a friendship quilt, afghan, quilt, and items from the 2000 Art Off the Wall Gallery Show.  Guests also received a special commemorative booklet containing a brief history of the Guild and remembrances and “ruby reflections” from many members.  As part of the evening, members provided an impressive number of handcrafted items for “Show & Tell.    Demonstrations throughout the celebration by Guild Artisans caught the attention of reporter Heather Colpitts from the Langley Advance, resulting in a full page feature story in the June 23 edition of the paper.  It was a successful and memorable occasion, enjoyed by all.

Lois Hunter