Programs and Workshops

Our 2024 – 2025 plan


March Program highlights –

Presentation by Diana Twiss


Everyone Welcome!

Meeting at 7:00 pm In Person

Join us for our first in person meeting of 2025. For the last several years Diana has been learning as much about Spindles as she can and sharing her enthusiasm with others. From her carefully curated spindle collection, Diana will show the different styles and will explain features that the various styles bring to the action of making yarn. Diana will demonstrate how to get started on a spindle, what to look for when buying a spindle, strategies for storing your spindle safely and ultimately, how to enjoy making yarn with Spindles.

We are also encouraging you to bring your own Spindles for a bit of a Spindle Fashion Show, as we know there are many gorgeous Spindles out there in our members collections.

Diana has taught several spindle workshops to local guilds, including online workshops for School of Sweet Georgia. She has published in Ply, Spin-Off Magazine and the Sweet Georgia blog. She has done online programs for guilds across Canada and in the US on her spindle enthusiasm.

April: Katrina Stewart from Crafty JAK’s Boutique on Photographing Your Projects. Join Katrina for an overview of taking better photographs of your projects. In this lecture, Katrina will give you basic information about what equipment you need, how to light your project and a few tips on how to style your project for best effect.

After a 25 year career as a professional photographer, Katrina is enjoying a second career as a fibre artist. She is a dyer, multi-craftual maker and co-owner of Crafty JAK’S Boutique, a small fibre arts company. She loves to play with colour and draws most of her inspiration from the beauty that surrounds her home on the west coast of Canada. When she is not playing with fibre,you can find her outside, enjoying a hike with her husband and two children.

May: In Person “White Elephant Shop and Swap. Guild Elections

June: In Person Deb Debernard presenting on Sumptuous Fabrics

Please remember all Membership Forms and Dues are now Payable in Full. Cash, cheque and e-transfer accepted. (For e-transfer simply add to your list of payees, no password required as we have auto deposit)