Design Journals

Langley Weaver’s and Spinner’s Guild is presenting an online workshop : 

Design Journals.

With the New Year many of us are taking a look at the new year and deciding on goals for the year and taking a good look at the progress and development that we have made through the last year.  This year my goal (Iris)  is to pay more conscious effort in  developing a design journal for the textile arts that I enjoy. Over the past years I have started design journals and collected some material that I refer back to but it is not a constant effort on my part.  I would like to invite you on a journal journey for the next 4 weeks where we look at different ways of developing an inspirational design journal that will be of use in textile arts. As this course is being designed for the weaver’s and spinner’s of the lower mainland we will focus mainly on fashion ideas and items that can be made but will also explore other art forms as inspirations for further development.

The first week will be spent looking at why we create design journals and how to get started with a journal.  In the second week we are looking at color and new or old ways of looking at color. The third week we can explore texture and how we can use it in our work. The fourth week will focus of designs and finding inspiration.

This is the first time that LWSG is offering an online course and we will be offering this workshop at a no cost to the participants. Supplies needed will depend on the different idea and suggestions you want to try.  Really there is no need to purchase special supplies for this workshop just use what you have at home. Other then maybe needing to purchase a sketch book to keep your work in.

If you are interested in joining in on this journey email Iris at Information on how to join the Yahoo group will be sent out on the 17 of January and we will be starting the workshop on the 18. We are opening this workshop up to members of other guilds so that we can see how the online system work for members at a distance.


Langley Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild