The Whatcom Weavers Guild will feature ikat in a presentation by Seiko Purdue at its October meeting.  Ikat is a technique in which warp or weft threads, or both, are tie-dyed before weaving, and it is used extensively in Indonesia, Japan, and other part of Asia. Seiko is an Associate Professor in the Fibers/Fabrics area of the Department of Art at Western Washington University.  She will show some of the design possibilities one can achieve with ikat technique, explain the basic process, and show some examples, including some amazing ikat with pictorial designs, Kurume-kasuri, from her recent travels to Kyushu, Japan.
The meeting will be on Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at St. James Presbyterian Church’s lower level meeting room at 910 14th St. in Bellingham.  Admission is free.
For further information about the Whatcom Weavers Guild,
contact Sheri Ward, info@whatcomweaversguild.org or 360-961-4956.