The Board of the Association of Northwest Weavers’ Guilds (ANWG) is
conducting a survey related to future ANWG conferences and to obtain
other information that can help the organization plan for future
activities. You can access the survey at: DO NOT click on the
survey link until you intend to take the survey, which will take about
5 minutes, or otherwise you will be counted as having taken the
survey. Even if you do not go to ANWG conferences, it will be helpful
to have this information. You do not need an account or password, your
email/IP address is not collected and your responses are totally
anonymous and private. The results of the survey will be made
available after they have been analyzed. The survey closes on February
25, 2011 or after it reaches 1,000 responses, whichever occurs first,
so please respond as soon as you can.
After you have finished the survey, please copy this entire message
and paste into an email and send to all of your fiber friends within
the ANWG region (AK, WA, OR, MT, WY, ID, BC, SAS, AB) regardless of
their affiliation with guilds or other organizations. We want broad
distribution of this survey.
Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. If you have any
questions about this survey including its authenticity, please contact
Linda Davis, President
Association of Northwest Weavers’ Guilds