Vancouver Island Fibre Arts Showcase

Vancouver Island Conference Centre Nanaimo, BC

September 10-11, 2010

The VI Fibre Arts Showcase is an opportunity for fibre/textile artists to showcase their talent and highlight the vast array of art that is created using fibre and textile media. We are looking for original, one-of-a-kind, classical, whimsical, innovative pieces that we can exhibit during the Fashion Fiesta – part of the two-day

Vancouver Island Fibre Arts Showcase being held at the Nanaimo conference centre this September. Every item submitted will be displayed subject to the space available. Please read everything carefully. You must include a completed copy of the information form and a completed and signed contract with your submission. See our website or contact Jenny Tindall at ; 250-468-9932 or Pat McLeod at; 250- 752-4631, if you have any questions.